
The main function of the Shipping Office is to superintend and facilitate the engagement and discharge of Pakistani seafarer and issue them their service record book in the manner provided in the Pakistan Merchant Shipping Ordinance 2001, and the rules framed there under. It is also responsible of enforcement of ILO Maritime conventions. The functions of the Shipping Office, in brief, are as under: -

  • Issuance of SSB (Seamen Service Book) and SID (Seafarer Identity Cards) to seafarers for employment on board merchant ships as per Government policy and maintain their service record.
  • To administer relevant provisions of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance and Rules there under and to implement Government directives on the employment of registered seafarers.
  • Open Articles of agreement for engagement of crew on ships and to superintend engagement and discharge of officers and seafarer.
  • Settle disputes regarding wages, overtime allowance, food, water, accommodation and conduct of seafarers etc., which arise between employers and seafarers.
  • Oversee that the arrangements are made for the maintenance abroad and repatriation of distressed seafarers.
  • To examine the ship’s papers and grant of port clearance to incoming and outgoing merchant ships.
  • Computerization of Seafarer data.
  • Recommend to Government on Employment through Central Maritime Advisory Committee.
  • Promotion of welfare of Seafarers through National Welfare board.
  • Supply crew to all Pakistani & desiring Foreign Ships.
  • Maintain lists of Pakistani Seafarers.
  • Realize Government dues (revenue receipts) for services provided to Shipping companies / Manning Agencies.
  • Arrange medical examination of seafarers at the time of issue of SSB and their biennial medical check up.
  • Arrange Payment of Deferred Credit and Gratuity to Pakistani seafarers serving on foreign ships.